Do you have this type of eyebrow

White eyebrow means longevity

long eyebrow

Many believe that people with white eyebrow has a long life. But there are also some who says that eyebrow do not need to be white to means longevity if you have a long eyebrow, that would means longevity. However, if you are below 40 and you have long or white eyebrow, it is inauspicious. You need to be over 40 years old that it means ability to live to ripe old age.

Both Eyebrow form a straight line

one eyebrow

When both of your eyebrow are join together, this means that it actually destroy or damage your Yin Tang(印堂) and this is an inauspicious sign. Yin Tang governs is also your career palace representing authority, once it is cover by eyebrow, it means your career might not be stable or you will not be able to climb high in the corporate ladder.

Eyebrow too close to eyes

eyebrow too close to eye

When eyebrow is too close to eyes, it is a inauspicious sign. In olden days, it is a sign of going against the authority or Emperor, this type of person can be very vicious and get angry easily. However, they are usually afraid of their wife. Having this type of eyebrow also means that the eyebrow is attacking the house palace. This is not good for the children.

Eyebrow long and thin

If the eyebrow is long and thin and it looks isolated, this type of eyebrow show sign of stagnation of Qi in the liver. If there are problem with liver and this problem not look into immediately, then the person will not live long.

Scattered Eyebrow

Scattered eyebrow

This type of eyebrow looks like it gather at the start and it start to scattered at the end. This type of eyebrow is inauspicious and it usually signify broken down family where wife and children will leave the person. At the same time this person also don’t have ability to keep his wealth.

The above is for reference. Eyebrow is only one feature on the face, there are many other features to consider before you can arrive with the accurate conclusion. Please exercise caution when using the information above.

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